CSR Compliance Advisory
CSR Compliance has drastically changed from the earlier concept of "Comply or Explain" to "Comply or
Hence it is now required continuous monitoring and follow-up w.r.t timely and effective compliance with
provisions of CSR.
Following are CSR Compliance that needed continuous Monitoring.:-
- Formation of CSR Committee and defining role committee for CSR Compliance.
- Formation/Modifying CSR Policy which is up to date with the defining Role of CSR Committee and covering
amended Rules.
- Disclosure in the Board Report w.r.t CSR Compliance and detailed Annexure on that.
- Disclosure of CSR policy and other CSR related matters on the website of the Company.
- Reporting in form CSR-2 forming part of form AOC-4 .
- CSR Calculation/ Working w.r.t 2% Obligation of Spending and Section 198 profit Calculations.